Gia - session 477 - easy flatwork day
It's a Monday! My brain was so busy with all the things I had to think of today that I completely forgot to lunge Gia. Luckily, she was pretty good and didn't really need it. I started with some walk work, really hammering down on her attention today. Every time she tried to look around, I would move the bit on the opposite side of her mouth, deepen my seat bone, and push with my leg until she softened and paid more attention to me. I had to repeat this a lot at the walk and trot. I did this little exercise in combination with a lot of lateral work like leg yields, bending on circles, changes of direction, and even some baby shoulder-ins. When she felt more attentive, I asked for the canter. She became a bit tense, but she did not make a naughty move. I only had time to canter a little today, but she was good for both directions. Also, when she became more attentive, she became a lot more relaxed and gave me a nice free walk at...