Gia - session 476 - Pas de deux!

 Gia's session today was a little out of the norm.  Castle Farm has a drill team every year, consisting of various teams of horses and riders performing tests at the walk, trot and canter.  This year, I designed a Pas de Deux (team of two) for two very special horses - the largest and smallest at Castle Farm!  I'm not really sure how it will turn out, but it's an idea I've had for a while.  It's just hard to find a rider who is not only good enough to ride the tests, but also small enough.  Luckily, Julia has been working really hard in her lessons, and it turns out, she is really good at geometry, visualization, and following directions too!

So Gia made her debut on the drill team at last night's practice.  All we did was walk our test (it's a long test to memorize, so walking it helps us learn the test without crashing into each other).  I didn't focus too much on our general riding, more so on the test pattern itself.  But I did try to keep her soft and stretchy throughout the ride.  She was actually pretty good!  She got a little fussy at one point because, I think, something flew up her nose.  But, other than that, she was very well behaved, and didn't seem to mind when Dover was close to her on her side or behind her.  I can't wait to see how this turns out!  Now to come up with the music ...


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