Gia - session 471 - schooling at CHP

 I took Gia to the Carolina Horse Park yesterday to school during the show.  I lunged her for about 15 minutes, mostly at the canter, to get her a little tired before I hopped on.

Under saddle, she was a little nervous heading up to the warm up ring, but it seemed to be less than last time.  Each time she hesitated, I kicked her on and made sure she went forward.

In the arena, she was MUCH better behaved, but it was also much less crowded.  We did a lot of stretching, bending and leg yields at the walk and trot.  There was a very scary baby stroller, and an even scarier dog (on a leash).  She tried to dart to the side, or bolt, but it didn't take too much effort to get her under control and working again.  She didn't get completely relax yesterday, but she did try to be obedient and responsive.

She has gotten really good at hanging out at the trailer.  At the last couple of outings, she has stood very quietly, even when we leave to take other horses to the show ring.  She hasn't been left completely alone, there is typically at least one horse still left behind with her, but it's still progress.


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