Gia - session 459 - trailer loading

 So, the last time I took Gia on the trailer to CDP (last Tuesday), she was not very good.  Despite all the good practices we had prior to her going, she still resisted loading on her own, and was quite anxious once I got her on.

Since the ground was frozen yesterday, I decided to do more trailer practice.  However, this time, I set everything up exactly like I would if we really were going to go somewhere.  I pulled the truck and trailer up to where it usually is when I load her to go.  I left the truck running.  We brought her in and put her shipping boots on.  I did put a pan of grain in the front of the trailer as well.  

She felt anxious almost immediately, and did hesitate when I approached the trailer with her.  I kept encouraging her until she finally got on (only about a minute).  Once on, it took a few minutes before she relaxed.  Once she relaxed, I took her off and tried again.  Each time did get easier, and she was actually pulling to get on by the end.  

It seems my horse is too smart and knows (or thinks she knows) when things are fake and when they are for real. ☺


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