Gia - session 724 - dressage lesson with Suzin
Gia had a few extra days off while I was out of town. It definitely showed today ... I started our lesson today with a stretch at the walk. She was a bit quick and tense, so I worked on getting her to slow her walk down and relax a bit. When that was better, I picked her up to medium walk, and started to work on transitions. She was VERY resistant in all her transitions today, so I had to do a lot of flexing one way, and pushing her shoulder the other way until she softened. We did a lot of transitions, changes of bend and direction, and lengthening and collecting work to get her more obedient and supple. Suzin also had us do a variety of movements, such as shoulder-in, turn-on-the-haunches, even a little bit of half pass at the walk and trot. It didn't feel like much, but, despite her resistance, Gia did get a few steps that were ok! We also did a little work on the canter. There were times she didn't want to go forward, so we...