Gia - session 714 and 715 - War horse schooling and horse show

 I took Gia to the Carolina Horse Park this weekend for the War Horse schooling and show.  On Saturday, we lunged, then warmed up, and then schooled stadium and cross country.  She was fairly quiet on the lunge, and a little excited in warm up.  She had some friends with her, so she wasn't feeling as needy.  She did throw in a few small bucks when cantering away from a few jumps, but I got her poll up and kicked her, and she was good.  As we were waiting our turn to enter the ring, anytime she stood still, I gave her a small treat.  She did a lot better with that this weekend.

In the stadium ring, we rode our course fairly well.  There was a little drama and bucking in the beginning, but I kept her poll up and sent her forward, and she finished fairly well.

Out on cross country, she felt really good!  We jumped all of the Green As Grass jumps, as well as many of the Maiden jumps.  She did stop at the water.  I let her relax and choose to move forward on her own.  It helped that her friends went past her, easily, into the water.  I also schooled her over the beginner novice bank and ditch.  She did stop at those at first, but once I let her relax and check it out, she seemed more confident, and went willingly.  

Sunday was competition day!  She started out SUPER quiet on the lunge line, even after spending the night in a stall.  In dressage warm up, she was also fairly quiet.  We practiced collecting and lengthening at the trot, as well as leg yields and haunches-in.  Her dressage test felt like her most relaxed yet, and I was even able to ask for a little expression in parts of her trot work!  She ended up getting a 23.1% and was tied for first place!

Stadium warm up also went fairly well.  She felt much more relaxed and obedient in the show ring, and by the end of the course, she was nicely forward but submissive.  We did bring one rail down at the very end, which dropped us to second place.

Finally, out on cross country, she was fairly good.  She had a hard hesitation and almost stopped at the warm up jump.  I sent her forward strongly, and she took it.  After that, she did a lot better.  She was a little hesitant at the first couple of jumps on course, but went smoother after that.  She hesitated here and there about the ground, or something off to the side.  For the most part, a squeeze, cluck or tap of the whip did the job and kept her moving forward.  She cantered most of the course, and felt super relaxed.  When we came to the water, she hesitated only slightly, I added a strong whip to send her forward, and she said "OK!".  We finished the course double clear and took home second place for the day!


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