Gia - session 708 - dressage with Suzin

 I had a wonderful dressage lesson with Suzin today.  Again, I thought Gia was going to be a bit naughty, since it was windier than even the last two windy days have been.  But, she was really pretty good!  

We started with stretching at the walk, all the while, working on getting her straight, under me with her hind end, and elevated in the forehand.  When she was more correct, her stretch was really good!

I did the same at the trot.  When she was correct, I also worked on stretching her neck longer and more forward, but without going down.  We also worked on the same thing from walk to trot and trot to walk.  She gave me a LOT of nice moments!

Finally, we attempted to do the same stuff at the canter.  She was absolutely wonderful!  We didn't exactly keep everything through the transitions, but I was able to get her back together fairly quickly after the transitions.  Her canter was maybe the best I've ever felt!  And, I was able to get her fairly promptly back to a nice trot!


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