Gia - session 712 - dressage with Suzin

 I started Gia out with stretching at the walk, then free walk to medium walk transitions in our lesson today.  Before the trot transitions, I worked on walk to halt to rein back to walk.  She had to be obedient, straight and not rushing.  It took several transitions before she was relaxed and focused, and then we went from rein back to trot. 

At the trot, we worked on bending and straightness, and various exercises to improve both.  We did a lot of shoulder-in, collecting and lengthening, circles, and even a little renvers and half pass (attempts).

When we were ready to canter, we worked on going from shoulder-in to canter to help her engage from behind better.  I really had to focus on having the correct amount of bend.  I was actually able to get a lot of nice canter moments.  She was only against my hand a little at times, so I was able to collect and organize the canter much better!


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