Gia - session 720 - hunter show

 I took Gia to the hunter schooling show at Pleasant Hill Farm in Hillsborough today.  Danielle lunged her while I rode another horse, then I hopped on to school in the warm up ring.  She was not very good in the warm up.  She threw in a LOT of bucking as we trotted and jumped around.  I was able to keep her poll up, and kick on, but I think she is learning to buck with her head up.  Sigh.

After warm up, I lunged her again, for a little while more.  It was a bit of a wait before our 2' over fences classes, and I wasn't sure how that wait would work for her.  We basically did all three of our over fences classes back to back without leaving the arena.  She started out with some bucking, but I kicked her on and kept her haunches to the left.  After about the first half of the second round, she finally decided to put her feet on the ground and canter and jump like a lady.  Our last class was much better, and we definitely ended the day on a good note!


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