Gia - session 706 - dressage

 I worked on dressage with Gia at home today.  We started with a nice free walk, and transitions between free walk and medium walk.  We moved on to halt transitions.  She was a bit stiff and resistant at first, so I worked on bending.  I asked for a little bit of rein back, but only after she stopped anticipating.  

With the trot, I worked on halt, bend, trot transitions.  I also worked on collecting and lengthening the trot.  Throughout the medium walk and working trot work, I focused on keeping her poll up.  She did fairly well with that.

Finally, I asked for a few canter transitions in each direction.  I focused on keeping my leg on and keeping the poll up, and I kept the canter brief.  There was no bucking, and also no anticipating!


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