Gia - session 657 - flat at CDP
Today was Gia's first day back at CDP since she has come home. She was a little extra this morning while she was waiting to get on the trailer, and again, while she loaded. I had a feeling today's ride might be a little extra as well .... ... It actually wasn't too bad! I let her relax and walk around the ring once I got on. Then I put her to work with some mild bending and leg yielding at the walk When I asked for the trot, I felt a bit of tension and tail wringing, but I pushed her into a leg yield and she quickly got to work. Within minutes, she was more focused on what I was asking her to do, rather than being naughty. We worked all over the ring at the trot - bending, leg yielding, going forward and coming back. She was very obedient! When I asked for the canter, there was no naughtiness at all! I did a little bit of the same work at the canter, in both directions. I let her end after just that, since it had al...