Gia - session 652 - flat and a little jump at "camp"

 I rode Gia today at "Camp CDP".  Hayley did not ride first, so I was able to work through any problems myself.  She actually started out fairly relaxed and obedient.  I was able to walk, trot and canter, going forward and coming back, with no problems.  Then I popped her over a few jumps.  The jumps were ok, and she even cantered after a few, and that was OK.  But then, she bumped into a jump, got a little pissed, and started a bucking fest.  I focused very hard on staying as relaxed as possible the whole time.  Every time she was naughty, I put her on a small circle and pushed her haunches around.  As soon as she was better, I let her out of the circle and asked for canter again.  As soon as she was naughty again, back to the circle we went.  This went on for a few minutes before she decided it would be much easier to just canter and behave.  Once I was able to canter nicely in each direction, I let her end on that.  She still has a tendency to be naughty, but I think I am more capable of handling it in a more productive way.  


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