Gia - session 649 - flatwork at "camp CDP"

 I drove out to CDP today to have a lesson on Gia.  They said she has been doing fairly well.  She did give Hayley a bit of a fit on Saturday, but she has been good otherwise.  Today was no exception to the (new) rule.  Hayley rode her first at all gaits, and had her moving forward and stretching into her hand.  She cantered very willingly, with no naughty behavior.  I rode her after she was warmed up.  She moved nicely forward off my leg whenever I asked.  I focused on relaxing my upper body whenever I asked her to go forward, and again, whenever she moved off my leg to the side.  She missed her right lead the first few times, but after I helped her set up for it better, she picked it up much better.  


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