Gia - session 311 - jumping in the field!
I started Gia on the lunge line in the field today. She was quite lazy at the trot, but was very good and energetic over the jumps, including the bank and ditch. I gave her a treat after most of the jumps, especially the harder ones. Under saddle, we warmed up with a bit of trot work around the fields. She was a tiny bit excited, and thought about a tiny bit of bucking or kicking out. I had her do a lot of circles, changes of direction, bending and leg yields. She settled down pretty quickly, and then we were able to work over the jumps. We played over most of the small, and some of the medium jumps in the field, some stadium and some cross country. She was very confident with both the up and down banks, and even did the medium sized one in addition to the small one! She did fairly well, with maybe a slight hesitation, over the ditch. The hardest part for her today was actually the jumps in the closer field. I've been wor...