Gia - session 300 - bodywork session with Cameron

 Gia had a much needed appointment with Cameron today.  She was a bit tight over her lower back, and when I mentioned how she has been in a very strong heat lately, Cameron said that was very likely the reason for her sore back.  He did say that she was moving very symmetrically, so our work with the Theraband pads has definitely been paying off.  He recommended continuing with her massages, as well as making sure to add belly lifts to her set of stretches.  He wants her to hold the belly lifts for 30 seconds, if possible.  We also talked about the different supplements I have tried with her to help stabilize her hormones.  He has not had much success with all the supplements that are out there, and highly recommended that we start her on Altrenogist injections.  Altrenogist is the active ingredient in a very commonly used medication called Regu-mate.  It has a variety of uses for mares, and even stallions.  For Gia, it should help to regulate her hormones more effectively than just increasing the amount of magnesium in her diet.  It has to be special ordered, so I can't start her on it until probably next week.  But the good news is that it should start working within a day.  Then, hopefully, we can BOTH have some relief!


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