Gia - session 293 - groundwork and mane pulling

 Gia was a bit sassy when Danielle went out to catch her today.  So, with that in mind, as well as the drastic drop in temperatures and the blustery winds, I decided to work on some ground work with Gia today.  As Charlie reminded me on Tuesday, I don't want to get on her if she's not making good decisions!

So, I worked with her loose in the round pen.  She, as expected, started out quite fresh, running around with a VERY suspenseful trot, and with her tail straight up in the air.  I kept her moving and working, changing direction often, until she started to relax, lower her head, lick and chew, and look a bit more humble.  

Whenever, she would start to act more humble, I would relax my stance, and allow her to have a break.  But, as soon as she, got uppity again, I would put her back to work.  I've done this work with Gia many times in the past, so she knows what the expectations are.  Finally, she relaxed, lowered  her head, licked and chewed, and stayed humble.  

I brought her in to the barn, where she stood very quietly and politely while I pulled her mane.


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