Baker training session 7 - Review leading and picking up feet
Baker was awesome today, and Fiona was a lot better too! Fiona actually walked up to me today, rather than walking away and trying to avoid me and hide Baker. Slowly, but surely, she is starting to come around. While I held and fly sprayed Fiona, Baker couldn't wait for me to turn my attention to him. He followed me around while I dealt with his mom, and kept trying to touch me and get my attention. He is definitely a snuggler, and definitely craves attention! I worked with him for about 9 minutes today. He was super easy to catch since he was coming up to me and following me around. It was simply a matter of taking a hold of his halter and attaching the leadline. A lot of babies will jump slightly whenever you grab their halters, but he just stood there and waited patiently for me to attach the line. I started by rubbing him all over again. I always want to start and end our sessions on a positive note, since those are t...