Baker - training session 2 - Yielding to pressure

Despite having a very busy day of horses to ride, lessons to teach, and a horse show to get ready for, I still managed to find time to work with Baker on Friday.  Our session was about 20 minutes.  I attached a lead line to his little baby halter, and worked on getting him to yield to pressure on the halter.  Whenever he tried to go forward or away from me, I would apply pressure on the halter and yield his haunches away from me in a circle until he relaxed and stopped trying to get away from me.  I also worked on holding him around his chest and hind end.  He would struggle to get away at first, but whenever he relaxed, I would let him go.  In this way, he learns to relax when I touch him.  There was a lot of struggling this time, but it will get better with lots of repetition.  I've also noticed that he likes to keep his tongue stuck out.  It can often be found out the right side of his mouth.  I think he's going to be a quirky little guy!

That's all for now.  I need to get some rest before Baker's big brother and I finish our competition tomorrow.  We are currently standing in 7th place out of 24 others in the Novice division at the Longleaf horse trials.  Butch started out just like Baker is, and look how far he has come.  Baker has some big shoes to fill one day!


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