Baker's first training session!

Well, I was finally able to do a little something with Baker today.  When I approached him and Fiona, she seemed much more relaxed with my presence.  Today's session pretty much consisted of just holding him and touching him all over.  He needs to get used to being touched by a person and being restrained.  The main rule of thumb right now is that I don't stop doing whatever it is I'm doing until he relaxes.  Then I stop immediately.  So, as I rubbed him all over is neck, back, belly, rump, legs, face, ears, poll, nose - I only stopped rubbing and moved on to the next spot when he had relaxed and stopped resisting against me.  I also managed to pick up each of his front feet today to get him used to having to stand on 3 legs while the farrier has to work on him in the future.  He was more resistant to this than anything else, but as soon as he quieted down, I put his foot down.  I only spent about 15 minutes with him today because Fiona was starting to get restless.  Tomorrow is my day off, so I probably won't do anything with him tomorrow, but I hope to get back to working with him on Friday.


  1. I love the title for your blog. This is 1st chance I've had to visit.


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