Gia - session 954 - lesson at CDP

 I had a lesson at CDP with Susan again today.  Susan rode first again today, and did much the same as last time.  Gia was a little bit naughtier due to having the day off before.  I hopped on, and did much the same as last week as well.  However, Gia did feel a lot better today!  We moved into a nice, marching walk, then right into a forward, rhythmic trot.  After a bit of trot work, including circles and changes of direction, I asked for canter.  She was nicely prompt, and fairly quiet.  She kept her canter fairly well, and longer than usual, but I also noticed that she pulled me along more, rather than trying to stall out.  I went across the diagonal, then cantered the other way after a quick, simple change.  She was very responsive, straight and obedient.  I gave her a break, and we repeated everything, but started with the canter in the harder direction.  She was still very good and obedient.  It was one of the best rides I have had on her in a while!


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