Gia - session 942 - dressage

 I did dressage again with Gia today.  I did much of the same work today that I did on Wednesday.  I warmed up with walk and trot, changing bend, softening her through the transitions, leg yields, working on obedience.  

We quickly moved on to canter work.  As soon as she threw in a small buck, I sent her forward with BIG kicks (not much whip), but fast and forward.  After a few half halts and forward reminders, we came back to trot, changed direction, walked for a minute, then trotted and cantered the other way.  She had a few steps where she was on the wrong lead, but not bucking, so I quietly brought her back, then asked again.  As soon as she thought about bucking - KICK and GO!  We repeated that process several times in each direction, until she was MUCH MORE obedient!  By the end of our ride, we were able to get a really nice canter in each direction without any fuss.


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