Gia - session 941 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today, where we worked on a lot of transitions between walk and trot, as well as changes of bend, and staying soft throughout.  When Gia felt good, we threw in some trot/canter transitions as well, during the warm up.  They were fairly good to start with.  

We left the canter alone for a little bit to work on some lateral work, changes of direction and bend, as well as lengthening and collecting.  I had to focus on staying straighter in my position, staying more aligned with Gia, being more correct and precise with my aids, and firing my aids even quicker.  

We went back to the canter at the end.  It was only supposed to be once each way, but Gia threw in a big buck when we were tracking left, and I had had enough.  I got my bearings, and then kicked her on, and then kicked her on again into a light gallop around the arena.  Everytime she even thought about resisting, or quitting, I kicked her on again.  When she seemed more obedient, I brought her back to the walk for a minute, caught my breath, and then we went at it again.  I asked her to canter, felt resistance, then kicked her on into the gallop.  Using a bridged rein, I guided her in a circle, trying to help her balance, but not letting her stop to think about resisting.  I brought her back when she felt obedient, and we did it one more time.  She was much more compliant the last time.


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