Gia - session 940 - lesson at CDP

 I took Gia to CDP for a lesson.  She was very good with her shipping boots, and she got on the trailer with only a little redirection of her face, but otherwise no problems!  I did load her from the off side again, and I did offer her one of the very best treats I have (very rich molasses type treats).  She usually turns her nose up at treats while loading, even at the good ones, but I prepped her, before loading, with a little nibble, and maybe that helped.  One more like that, and then I'll try it the "normal" way again.  

At CDP, we warmed up with the usual - leg yield, haunches-in, transitions at walk and trot, collection and lengthening at trot, then we added canter.  I had to focus on being very direct with her with where I was going, rather than just meandering around.  I also worked on keeping my body very aligned with hers, as she figured out her own balance.  She didn't do any bucking, and we were able to do a lot of trot/canter transitions.

Bonus work - I had to use Gia in a lesson tonight, due to a shortage of lesson horses.  She was very well behaved.  She even stood in the middle and waited her turn during individual work.  She helped her rider with walk and trot transitions, and also showed her how much fun her lengthened trot could be!


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