Gia - session 935 - lunging, and over jumps

 I worked with Gia on the lunge line today.  I mostly worked with her on being very obedient about going forward and coming back.  She was quite good about going forward when asked.  Her biggest issue (the same a lot of horses have) is that she wanted to pull away from me on the lunge line.  Every time the lunge line tugged on my hand, I asked her to halt and turn towards me.  Once she did, I sent her forward again.  We repeated this exercise until she was much lighter in my hand, and then I would let her take a jump.  We started it at the trot, and once that was good in both directions, I had her repeat the exercise at the canter each way.  She got the hang of the exercise pretty quickly, and even seemed to have a little fun with it.


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