Gia - session - 934 - lesson at CDP with Hayley

 Gia and I had a lesson at CDP today with Hayley.  Gia had zero problems with her hind shipping boots today, she didn't even walk the slightest bit funny in them.  It only took her two attempts to get on the trailer today as well.  I think I might try putting her on the trailer from the off side first next time, and see if she just likes it better from that side, or if she just wants one test attempt.  Either way, she eventually has to learn to do it on the first try.

In our lesson, Gia started out tense, but Hayley and I chatted for a bit in the beginning, and by the time we were ready to get down to work, Gia had gotten bored, and was pretty relaxed.  The rest of the ride was fairly relaxed as well.  I did a little work on circles, collecting and lengthening, as well as leg yielding out, and then back in, just a little, to make sure she was listening and prompt to my aids.  She was fairly responsive today, and I only had to use the whip once when she wouldn't get off my right leg.  Then we did a little canter to see how it would go today.  It wasn't bad.  Hayley had us work on a lot of canter/trot transitions.  We would canter for about 3-4 strides, then trot for about 4-5 strides, or until organized, then canter again, and so on.  We did that for about 4-5 repetitions.  Very easily and quickly Gia's canter started to improve, and there was no bucking!  It was harder for her tracking right today, but she still figured it out, and did not get frustrated or nasty.  We finished the ride with some free walk around the arena.


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