Gia - session 931 - horse trial

 I took Gia to the first War Horse event of the year yesterday.  It did not go as well as I had hoped.  I thought we had made some good progress on her canter work, and she did really well schooling at the show last weekend without lunging, so I opted not to lunge again this time.  (I truly don't believe that would have made a difference anyway.  I just don't think we have things completely figured out with the canter work.)

In dressage warm up, she started out ok.  She felt a bit tense, but I put her to work, at the walk and trot, moving around the arena, and getting her to reach into my hands.  She seemed to be going well, so I asked for canter.  Then she performed one of her airs-above-the-ground-launching-type-of-bucks, and I was on the ground.  Luckily, unharmed, and luckily, she didn't go far, and luckily, was easily caught.  I got back on, found a corner to work on a small circle, and just let her trot on the circle until the circle, itself, helped her slow down, think, and relax.  When that happened, I let her go forward, and as soon as she got tense or quick, we went back to another circle, but in the opposite direction.  I want to be clear that I was NOT spinning her, but turning her in about a 6-10 meter circle, with bridged reins, with my inside leg guiding her body to a bend, until her body gave in.  I was not forcing her, but the circle, itself, helps her get there.  Finally, she got to a point where I could try the same thing at canter, with a slightly bigger circle - 12-15 meters.  Finally, it was time to go in the show ring.  We weren't really ready, but that's how it goes sometimes.  We stumbled through the test, and we both had some good moments and some bad moments, and scored a 46.7%.  I gave myself 3 seconds to mope, and then moved on.  

Jump warm up was better.  She was still tense, so I used the circles to help her relax again, and when she felt good, I allowed her to go to a jump as a reward.  She liked that!  I started her over the first fence in the show jump ring like that as well.  She ended up jumping really well, and went double clear!

For cross country warm up, I did the same thing - circles after the cross country jumps when she wanted to buck afterwards.  I also circled before the start box, and we ended up having a really nice start!  We had a great cross country ride!  She felt a little hesitant coming at a few jumps, so I made sure to add more leg, and tap with the whip.  That was all she needed.  When we came to the water, she didn't hesitate at all.  And we ended up going double clear cross country as well!

We started out in fifteenth place after dressage, but after our double clears, moved up to tenth.  Not in the ribbons, but I definitely felt redeemed after dressage.  We did end up placing 4th overall in the Starter division for NCDCTA members at this show though!


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