Gia - session 923 - hack on trail

 Gia went for a hack on the trail today, with Danielle in the irons.  I was riding Phillip, another young horse in training, and he is quite nervous to go out on the trail by himself, so Gia went first and he followed.  She was nervous about a few things going into the trail, as well as coming out of the trail, so Danielle tried to get her to touch them.  Phillip walked right up to them and touched them all first, no problem whatsoever.  Eventually, Gia also touched them, got a click and a treat.  Phillip turned around to see where his treat was too ☺.  On the trail both horses were mostly good, except for the muddy area.  I wanted Gia to go first, to show Phillip the way, but she was quite resistant today.  After several attempts on Gia's part, I decided to try Phillip first.  It took him a few tries, but then he went on ... and showed Gia how to do it.  Sigh.  We went back and forth several times through the area, each horse getting a turn at leading.  They were both doing it quite well by the end.


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