Gia - session 922 - jump school in the field

 I took Gia out to the stadium course we have in the field for a light jump school.  We mostly worked on her flatwork in the field, and added jumps in when everything was good. I started her out with transitions between walk and trot and halt, depending on how she was going, and what she needed at the time.  I focused on getting her to respond to my up transition cues, and also my half halts.  I focused a little bit on straightness, but she didn't need much.  Sometimes, when she was not as responsive to my half halts, I circled her around a jump.  When things were good, and she was obedient, we took jumps.  The jumps were all fairly good.  After the jumps, we worked on getting back to obedience.  At first, it took her a little bit, but by the end, she came back to me much quicker.


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