Gia - session 914 - dressage clinic

 We had a dressage clinic at Castle Farm today with Suzin.  Gia and I rode in a group lesson with two other riders.  We did a lot of work on various figures - circles, half circle reverses, inverted reverses, leg yields, centerlines.  We worked a lot on bending and straightening and shoulder-fore.  Gia was mostly responsive, but I did have to get after her a couple of times with the whip when she wouldn't respond promptly to my light leg cue.  At the end we did a little canter.  Gia needed one reminder to respond to my leg to pick up the canter.  After that, she was much better.  We had one sloppy down transition, and then our other ones were better.  Overall, her canter was quite nice - relaxed, obedient, rideable!


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