Gia - session 905 - lunge over jumps

 I worked with Gia lunging over jumps in the round pen today.  I started her out with three poles about 2 trot strides apart (about 10').  First, she had to go through them quietly at the trot.  That was tough for her, since she was a bit wired and ready to go.  Once she settled down, it was fairly easy though.  Then, she had to do it at the canter.  That part was very easy for her.  

Next, I raised the poles, and she had to repeat the exercise at the trot and canter again.  Finally, I raised them one more time, and she had to repeat the entire exercise again.  There were different challenges each time - sometimes too slow, sometimes too fast, sometimes distracted, sometimes trying too hard.  She did her best when she was relaxed, so I had to create that atmosphere, while also creating obedience.  Each time she did the exercise correctly, I "clicked" and she got a treat!  This is a great exercise to help her get stronger, especially in her hind end, and it will also help her to better navigate her footwork through jumps.


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