Gia - session 904 - dressage lesson at CDP

 Gia and I went to CDP for our lesson today.  She only barely tried to kick at her shipping boots when I walked her out of the crossties.  Once I corrected her, she was fine.  She hesitated a few times at the trailer, but I could tell she was trying, so I allowed her to "check it out" for a few minutes.  When she backed off and refused, I had her work around me in a few circles, and then went to put her back on again.  She went right on the second time with almost no hesitation.

At CDP, we started with leg yields, bending, changing direction, collecting and lengthening at the walk and trot.  She really likes to carry her haunches to the right, so we worked a lot on pushing her haunches to the left, and then straightening her on the left side.  It was very difficult for her overall.  She did get it fairly well at the walk, but the trot was a lot harder.  We did have a better canter after a bit of practice though!


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