Gia - session 899 - Dressage with Suzin

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  We started with a really nice free walk!  When I transitioned Gia to medium walk, she did fairly well.  We worked on having a steadier and softer connection.  When that was good, we worked on keeping the steady and soft connection as we transitioned back and forth between trot and walk, and as we changed bend and direction.  Finally, we worked on keeping the steady and soft connection while transitioning to the canter.  That was a bit harder for both of us.  I mainly focused on keeping the connection equal, no matter where her head or body went, and just continuing to softly ask her to yield to my hand and leg on the stiffer sides.  We kept chipping away, and our last one was really good! 


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