Gia - session 898 - jumping in the field

 I took Gia out for a jump school in the field today.  Since we had just lunged over the jumps in the field yesterday, I decided to follow things up and do the same jumps under saddle today.  After a warm up at the walk and trot, I took her right to the flat tires first.  She stopped, so I kept my leg on, my eyes up, and kept her pointed at the jump.  She struggled with it for a few minutes, trying to go sideways, going a little forward, but then stopping short again.  Finally, she went over it.  I clicked and she got a treat.  And the light bulb from yesterday came back on.

We went back over it much more easily the second and third times.  We proceeded to play over the log jump, then we went in the other field to the hanging log jump.  Both of those were easy.  Then I played with the up and down banks and the ditch.  The only problem I ran into is that she wanted to get a bit quick and bossy after the down bank, so we did it a few times to practice coming back to me afterwards.  Then I pointed her at the regular tires.  We had never done that one under saddle, but she was eager for it!  We did that one to the barrel jump, easily, then we did the tires, the other way, to the closed road jump.  I don't think we had taken that one before either.  Finally, we went back in the first field and took the roll top to the bench jump.  It's one of the biggest ones at about 2'11"-3'3", depending on where you jump it.  She sailed over it quite well!  Throughout the jump school, I worked on getting her to listen to my aids very clearly and quickly.  She was doing so good with everything by the end!


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