Gia - session 897 - lunge over jumps

 I took Gia out in the field today to lunge over some of the jumps.  I warmed her up with a few laps of trotting in both directions.  Then I let her warm up over a very easy jump, before I asked her to attempt one of the jumps she is not fond of - the flat tires.  She stopped at them the first couple of times, but I let her check them out, clicked, and gave her a treat when she touched them.  When she finally went over them, she also got a click and treat.  She went back and forth over them several times with no problem after that.  We did the same with several other jumps that she is a little more concerned about - the regular tires (which I have never even asked her to go over) - she stopped at them the first time, but then took them from a standstill, and then from a trot a couple of times after that.  She also did the up and down banks and ditches easily.  We finished with the brick wall, which she is also not fond of, but she went over it, hesitatingly at first, then fine after that.  She seemed much more confident with her jumps by the end!


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