Gia - session 893 - flatwork at home

 Gia and I worked on our flatwork at home today.  We did much of the usual - transitions, leg yield, bend, straightening, haunches-in, and changes of direction and bend.  Everything was fairly good at the walk and trot, although a little resistant on the up transitions.  Her canter to the right was very good!  When we worked on canter to the left, she had a harder time staying straight, and anytime her shoulder fell in to the left, her haunches would fall out and she would get the urge to buck.  Luckily, I am getting better at feeling that coming, so I was able to head those bucks off at the pass.  Then I had her work on a very steep Travers (where her forehand stays on the rail, but her haunches bend to the inside).  It was difficult for her at first, so we started at walk.  As that got easier, we moved on to trot, then tried canter.  That helped her a lot, and she was able to keep the correct bend and not lose her shoulder on the last one!


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