Gia - session 889 - trailer

 After Gia's horrible trailering issues of last week, and knowing I had to get her on the trailer again tomorrow morning, I decided that getting her on the trailer today would be her main job. I put her hind boots on her, so that she could also work on her issues with those.  The only thing that I did differently today (other than the time of day, and the hustle and bustle) is that I didn't have Danielle help me.  She was busy with other stuff, and I wanted to experiment with some new stuff if Gia didn't do what she was supposed to.

I started by taking off the crossties, but I did not move forward with her until she had taken a breath and given me a sign of relaxation.  As soon as we stepped forward, I was prepared to reprimand her for kicking out at the boots...But she didn't.

We walked up to the trailer like normal, and she started to get on, then I felt a slight hesitation.  I was prepared to try out my first new tactic... And then she just got on the trailer.  Went right up the ramp and into the box stall like she had never-in-her-life-had-any-problems-with-it-whatsoever, and started munching happily on her hay.

So then I got her back off, circled around and came at it again.  Prepared for what was sure to come - just because they get on the first time, doesn't mean they haven't thought too much about it, and decided they won't get back on again ... But she did ... And better than the first time.  So I did it one more time just to be sure.  Yeah, you guessed it, she got on.

I got her back off again, and was just standing with her at the back of the trailer talking with someone, when all of a sudden, she walks away from me and ... ONTO THE F'ING TRAILER!!  All on her own!  She did that again two more times.  

Tune in for tomorrow's blog where we don't even make it to my lesson because she can't even get out of the barn.



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