Gia - session 874 - trailer training

 So, I was supposed to have a lesson at CDP today, but Gia had other plans.  She decided she wanted to work on getting on the trailer this morning.  Our best guess is that we repaired a hole in the trailer with duct tape, and she did not approve.  She would put her front feet on the ramp, but that's as far as she would go.  So, Danielle and I settled in for the long game with our patience, and long whips, on either side of her.  Anytime she went backwards, we started tapping on her (blanketed) behind, and stopped the second she went forward.  She also tried to run out the front corners, so we took turns blocking her there as well.  Basically, there was only one way she could go.  Forward!  Anytime she did go forward, we immediately stopped and told her "Good girl!".  We praised her anytime we noticed signs of relaxation as well.  She got to a point where she would not go any further, so we upped the ante.  We only stopped urging her forward when all FOUR feet were on the trailer, in some way, shape or form.  She struggled against that one for a while, but once she gave in, it didn't take her long to go all the way in.  Hopefully, next time will be shorter ...


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