Gia - session 872 - jump in arena

 I worked with Gia in the arena at home.  The idea was to work on her jumping, but since "jumping is dressage with obstacles", as I always tell my students, we actually did a LOT of flatwork, and only a few actual jumps.  

I started by working on the walk - trying to get it steadier, more relaxed, straighter in her body, more supple.  Then we did some walk/trot transitions.  The first few attempts yielded resistance on her part, but then I got a really good one.  At the trot, I worked on much the same stuff as I did at the walk - leg yields for suppleness and straightness, bending, changes of direction, collecting, lengthening.  

Whenever she felt good, I pointed her at a jump.  We started with a large crossrail, and took it in both directions.  Upon landing, I worked to get back to the good trot we had before the jump.  Gradually, she was getting the idea, getting softer, getting more obedient.  

Then we tried a little canter work, doing all the same stuff we did at the trot, and taking jumps when things felt good.  At one point, she was so well put together for the 2' vertical that it probably could have been a 5' triple bar and she would have cleared it with no problems whatsoever!  She felt very correct and VERY springy in her hind end!


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