Gia - session 871 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  We started out with a nice stretch at the walk.  As I picked her up to medium walk, Suzin had me focus on a lot of tiny details, like not letting her "touch" my hands, and I worked to keep all my moves slow motion so that I could catch her moments quicker.  Our first walk to trot transition was amazing!  The rest were pretty good too.  We did a lot of transitions, a lot of changes of bend and leg yields.  She was very soft on the right and stiffer on the left.  Eventually, I asked for canter, and we got a lot of nice moments there as well.  I was able to get her to canter right off my seat bone, get her more collected and balanced at the canter, and even had one good down transition which I asked for.  We finished with a few trot lengthenings.  She had "canter on the brain", so I had to remind her to not canter, when I asked for the lengthening.  I eventually got several good ones in each direction.


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