Gia - session 862 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I worked with Suzin today on our dressage.  We started with a nice, stretchy, relaxed free walk, despite the windy, cold weather leftover from yesterday's storms.  She is often resistant when I go to pick her up to medium walk, so we worked on staying soft, long in the neck, flexed, and bent to the inside as we made the transitions back and forth.  It was a lot harder than it sounds, both physically and mentally, for both horse and rider.  There are so many tiny details to pay attention to during these transitions.  When they were smoother, we did the same thing going from medium walk to working trot and back.  Because we spent so much time at the walk, that part was actually not too bad.  She worked fairly well and fairly equally in both directions.


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