Gia - session 851 - lesson at CDP

 Gia and I had a lesson at CDP today.  Danielle was not feeling well, so I was on my own for the day.  I tried to get out to the barn a little early, but, inevitably, I was running a little behind.  Gia seemed to be in a good mood when I put her boots on and walked her to the trailer.  Then she stopped ... and refused to get on the trailer ... again ... and again ... and again.  Not a great start to an already crazy busy day.  Danielle heard all the ruckus, and eventually came out to rescue (one or both of us), and between the two of us, we eventually got Gia on.  No idea what bee is in her bonnet lately, but I sure hope it buzzes off soon!

I left 15 minutes later than I planned, but I actually ended up getting there with plenty of time to be ready for my lesson right on time.  I filled Charlie in on Gia's antics of the past week, and asked him to lunge her before I rode today, hoping for a "reset".  Except for backing up perfectly, at first, she did quite well on the lunge line.  She trotted off calmly, when he asked.  She halted quietly when he asked.  And by the end of the session, she was backing up promptly, when he asked.  

I got on, and we decided to keep it very "easy" today.  Just walk and trot work - circles, leg yields, collected trot and medium trot.  She did everything quite well, and behaved very well!

After her lesson, she had an appointment with Cameron for chiropractic and acupuncture.  He found that she was generally ok, but she was pretty tight on her right side - hip, ribs, neck and poll.  After his work, he said she should be feeling a lot better.

Hopefully, she will behave a lot better too ...


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