Gia - session 850 - hack on trail

 I took Gia for a hack on the trail today.  It was quite windy here, and she was a little jumpy at everything blowing around.  She paused for a few minutes before heading into the trail.  Once on the trail she seemed more comfortable.  Until we came to the new creek on the trail.  We got 4 inches of rain last night, so the "muddy area" on the trail was quite flooded, and was actually more like a creek.  She stopped there for a long time.  I let her relax, and then urged her forward. She would go about one step forward, then try to back up a bunch.  Backing up is not allowed, so I kicked her or smacked her with the reins (I had not brought a whip) until she went forward.  We went through that dance several times.  I was finally able to get her to put one foot in the water, so I hopped off and led her the rest of the way through.  As she got through each wet section, I gave her a treat.  Hopefully, she will be more willing next time.


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