Gia - session 847 - lunge over jumps

 I worked with Gia in the round pen over jumps today.  I had someone powerwashing the truck and trailers near the round pen, so she was very nervous about all the noise and equipment.  It happened to be on the same side as where I set up the jumps, so it took a few laps around before I got her to go over the warm up poles.  Once she did, she started to relax.  She worked over a pole at the trot and canter, then a small vertical, then a larger vertical, then an oxer.  All that went fairly well, and she even seemed to balance a little better tracking right today.  Next, I put the towel over the oxer - she jumped it with no problems at all!  Same with the towel on the ground under the oxer!  Finally, I added a couple of silver crinkly decorations.  She was a little hesitant, but actually went over them all but once, when tracking left.  Much improved over last time!


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