Gia - session 844 - lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  It was cold and breezy, and she started out a bit tight in her body.  We did a bit of stretching at the walk, and a lot of walk/trot transitions, then she started to feel better.  We worked all over the ring on changes of bend and direction and transitions.  She was feeling a lot looser, so I started to ask for the canter.  That got her a bit tense again, so I worked on mixing things up.  We did all sorts of lateral work, including haunches-in, turn-on-the-haunches, leg yield, shoulder-in, etc.  I also threw in halt transitions.  As she became more obedient, I tried the canter transitions again.  They were much better, and I was even able to work on straightening her body at the canter, and getting some stretch!


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