Gia - session 843 - lunge over jumps

 I gave Gia an easy day today, and just lunged her over jumps in the round pen.  She warmed up with a pole on the ground at the trot and canter, then a small vertical, then a larger vertical, then an oxer.  With all that, she was very balanced and correct when tracking left, but less balanced tracking right.  I could see her trying to correct herself, though, to make it work.  Then I started adding "scary" items to jump.  With a towel laid on the ground under the jump, she did stop suddenly on the first approach, but quickly got herself together and sailed over it.  With the towel draped over the jump, she also stopped on the first attempt, but then regrouped and jumped it just fine.  With the boat bumpers that I laid under the jump, she didn't bat an eye.  I had her go over the jumps several times in each direction, partly to desensitize her to the "scary" item, and partly to allow her time to figure out what to do with her body to jump it correctly.


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