Gia - session 842 - Drill team show and games!

 Gia and I had our final show of the year.  It was the show for our drill team, and they also had some fun game classes!

Danielle lunged Gia in the morning, when we got to the show.  She seemed fairly relaxed.  Under saddle, for our warm up, she also felt pretty relaxed.  She even did her canter work without bucking!  We went through our routines for both drill team tests with very few issues.  In the show ring, Gia was a little worried about crossing some mud to get in, but was otherwise ok.  She was a bit tense overall, but nothing too dramatic.  She went through both routines with no drama.  She did get a couple of wrong leads in the canter work of the first level test, but considering she could barely canter at the beginning of the year, and this test was written for me to ride Butch not Gia, and we were hoping she was only going to be subbing for him for part of the year, and she ended up having to completely take his place, she did fantastic!

After the important stuff, she got to play a few games.  She was not a fan of standing still, waiting her turn, but otherwise was pretty good.  We played "flag in sand", where you have to ride to one barrel, pick up a flag, ride to another barrel, put the flag in the sand, then pick up one more flag before you exit.  It's a team/relay race, and the fastest time wins.  Gia was a little scared of the flags, so her big trot didn't help our team much. We also played egg and spoon, where you have to hold an egg on a spoon, and ride through various paces and directions without dropping it.  The spoon was a large plastic one, where the egg was easily spinning in circles.  Gia did nothing wrong, but we didn't last very long.  Finally, in Red Light Green Light, it was a different story.  They said that we could only walk for this game, and I was immediately excited.  Gia had the largest and longest free walk of any horse I know.  She free walked her way to victory, and we won a lovely mug with chocolates!


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