Gia - session 839 - dressage lesson at CDP

 Gia and I went down to Vass for a dressage lesson with Charlie today.  It was super windy here, so she was a bit anxious from the beginning, although not too bad, considering.  Charlie had us work on much of the same stuff - medium walk, working trot, transitions, leg yield, haunches-in, collecting, lengthening.  Despite the wind, it was not terribly difficult to keep her attention, and a baby shoulder-in usually did the trick.  We did a few canter transitions, when everything felt good, but scattered randomly throughout the ride.  After our ride, on the walk back to the trailer, there were multiple things that were terrifying her - a fallen jump, a shadow, the guys powerwashing the car right near the trailer, Hayley ...  I stayed a bit behind her motion, with my feet out in front, a bit defensively, but completely relaxed, and just kept her moving forward.  We walked back and forth through the "gauntlet" several times, until she was a bit more relaxed about everything.  


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