Gia - session 834 - jump in the field

 I took Gia out for a jump school in the field today.  As we were walking out to warm up, she noticed, right away, that there was ...  dun, dun, dun ... a barrel that was absolutely out of place!!!  Gasp!!!

She was very upset by the offending barrel, and made quite a big deal about it for a while.  I stay very nonchalant, and just insisted that she move forward at a polite pace.  After several passes, she was ok with where it was, but still aware of it for most of the ride.

We warmed up with some trot work around the field, and did a lot of transitions.  She was a bit "up" today, so when she didn't respond the my half halts within about 3 steps, I transitioned down to the next lowest gait, and then right back up.  We basically worked on that throughout the jump school as well.  Her first few jumps were at the trot, but as she got more confident, obedient, relaxed and balanced, she added in some canter.  It was a bit tight at first, but as she went on, her canter became more relaxed as well.


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