Gia - session 831 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  We started with a very nice stretch at the walk.  Picking her up to medium walk went fairly well.  Her first few trot transitions were a little "sticky", so I had to do a lot of softening and suppling work to get those better.  We used a LOT of lateral work today - leg yield, changes of bend, haunches-in, haunches-out, shoulder-in, half pass, renvers.  Throughout all the lateral work, I did a lot of transitions as well, between all gaits, including halt and canter.  Her first canter transition wasn't smooth, but there wasn't any bucking.  As she became more supple, the canter felt better.  I really focused on keeping the correct bend, and getting her to feel equal in both reins.  We had a lot of good moments!


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