Gia - session 816 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  We started with a nice, relaxing, swinging free walk.  We worked on free walk to medium walk transitions - getting her to soften as she came up, and keeping her engaged behind.  In her walk to trot transitions, she wanted to come a little against my hand, or just get quick in the walk.  I helped her soften, and then found the right moment to ask for the trot.  We did a lot of walk/trot transitions, bending, leg yields, and shoulder-ins, all in an effort to get her straighter, and all the while, I tried to lengthen her neck whenever I got a good reaction from her.  We mixed in some canter transitions as well.  Most of them were pretty good, even soft!  We did have a couple of moments where she was switching her lead on the back legs, which feels a bit like a small buck.  When I was able to get her straighter, she went right back to being nice and soft in her transitions!


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